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miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010

feria del bebe y la familia

En mayo de este año se celebra en el congreso de torremolino sobre el bebe
como hay que cuidarlo, la entrada sera gratis sera el 21 al 23 de mayo

domingo, 21 de marzo de 2010


La primavera es una estación del año es cuando empieza hacer calor
se sabe cuando empieza porque el día dura exactamente lo mismo que la noche
y además es el único día que el sol sale exactamente por el este y se pone por el oeste
esto ocurre el 20 o el 21 de marzo así es como se sabe si la primavera a llegado.

jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010

Como hacer un circuito electrico

Necesitas estos materiales que te voy a decir.
2Un interruptor
5bombilla o timbres
Pasos a seguir:
1Coge el panel , ponga la pila en un extremo.
2Ate los cables a la pila despues pase el cable por el interruptor.
3 Hasta llegar a la bombilla .
4Ate el otro cable a la pila y llevelo hasta la bombilla.
Despues de haber echo todo los paso ya tendras tú circuito terminado.

miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2010


El verano es maravilloso
por ser soleado y caluroso
por tener vacaciones
y con mis amigos jugar y cantar canciones.

Lo que mas me gusta de la mar
poder bucear,nadar y pescar
la ultima vez que fui a pescar
cogí dos pulpos y un calamar.

Un dia fui al campo
y me encontre un sapo.

lunes, 1 de marzo de 2010

Dioses de la Mitologia


ó is the king of the Olympian gods, the ruler of Mount Olympus, and god of sky and thunder. His symbols are the thunderbolt, eagle, bull and oak. In addition to his Indo-European inheritance, the classical Zeus "cloud collector"


ó chthonic female was a monster, returning the stone to those who watched. She was beheaded by Perseus, who later used his head as a weapon [2] until it was given to the goddess Athena to place her in his shield, the aegis. Since classical antiquiw


ó In Greek mythology Adonis (Greek Adonis Ἄδωνις) was an eternally young god who symbolized death and the annual renewal of vegetation and the nature of which was tied to the calendar. A native Phoenician, Adonis was extended to all countries of the Mediterranean with several modifications, but always retained Semitic aspects, constituting one of the most complex cult figures in classical times.


of fertility. In some myths he was the son of Aphrodite and Ares, but according to of fertility. In some myths he was the son of Aphrodite and Ares, but according to Plato's Symposium was conceived by Port


ó is the goddess of wisdom, strategy and just war. It was considered a mentor and beloved heroes from antiquity as the patron of Athens where the Parthenon was built to worship.


ó the goddess of love, lust, beauty, prostitution and reproduction. Although often alluded to in modern culture as "the goddess of love is important to note that normally was not love in the Christian sense or romantic, but specifically Eros (physical or sexual attraction). Her Roman equivalent is the goddess Venus


ó is considered the Olympian god of war, but rather the personification of brute force and violence, and the tumult, confusion and horror of battle, [1] as opposed to his sister Athena, who represents the meditation and wisdom in matters of war and protect men and their rooms of their devastation. The Romans identified with Mars, Roman god of war and agriculture (which they inherited from the Etruscans), but he enjoyed among them of much greater esteem